Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Is Western Civilization - 2205 Words

1. What is Western Civilization? Western civilization or the western culture that is broadly used in describing the heritage that is found in a normal society i.e. the ethical values, social norms, beliefs, political, specific artefacts, the technologies used and the political systems found in that society, that have some resemblance with that from European countries. This effect was felt because it was carried either through colonization or modern day immigration, hence the culture is transferred from the host nation to the new and diverse frontiers like Africa, Australasia and the Americas. This culture is not restricted to only the Europe where it originated from but can also be seen in far and wide across the globe. There are feature which enable the learners to understand better what characterize western civilization and include; literary, artistic, legal themes, philosophic and the traditions. Christianity was also part of western civilization because they introduced it to other parts of the world during those times when religion was done by natives and how they understood it well. In the process the masters ensured that the converts adhered to the foreigner’s way of life in those countries. They used Christianity to penetrate even the hostile environment of the world like Africa’s and the Americas, were the native used rudimentary methods to survive. In the middle ages, western civilization experienced growth because those days, Christianity was gaining inroads toShow MoreRelatedIn What Ways Were the Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations Different from Civilizations Developing in Western Europe? in What Ways Are They Similar?984 Words   |  4 Pageswriter also touches on how landowners got their labor force back – by sharecropping and the credit system, which seems to be eerily similar to the ‘company store’ in the coal miners days. When credit was due from sharecropping and the negro did not get what was promised, he would say, â€Å"You know how that was. You dassent dispute a [white] man’s word then† (Litwack 448). Overall, some interesting and new information, especially, the landowners’ interaction with the free Negro , was gleaned from reading thisRead MorePlatos Influence on the Western Civilization950 Words   |  4 Pages Plato and His Relation to Western Civilization Plato is one of the succinct psychologists, analyst, and scholar the world has ever had. He is a lucrative figure in the birth, generation, and early development of the western civilization. His contributions through ethics, politics, religion, symposiums, and dialogues with Socrates exemplify a myriad of his works since he was a young scholar. 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Both of these civilizations and their traditions have left equally deepRead MoreThe Clash of Civilization (Samuel Huntington Article Review) Essay945 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Clash of Civilization written by Samuel Huntington tries to analyze the world after the cold war. Huntington in his thesis clearly states that the new era of world politics will not be based on conflicts occurring due to ideological or economic clashes amongst states, but rather the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Huntington proposes that instead of classifying countries into first, second or third worlds, one should classify countries in terms of their civilization. He definesRead MoreThe Validity of Samuel P. Huntington’s Thesis in â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations†1411 Words   |  6 PagesThe aim of Samuel P. 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